The way I feel about the human form is a deep connection with line, shape, and beauty. It is not a connection to personality, identity, or body. I explore the surface of the figure the same way I explore nature, following the contours. There are small nuances to be discovered and lines, like paths, to be followed. I am drawn to certain colors that are not local skin colors, but color combinations created using thin transparent layers of color opposites which, when blended optically, create a third glowing color that cannot be achieved through mixing opaque colors. The colors, poses, and compositional elements I choose are my pursuit of beauty and balance. There must always be an element of decay or imperfection. The figure cannot only be beautiful just as nature is not always beautiful. That is where thick dark lines and heavy strokes come in handy.
The balance that is found in nature is the beauty I strive for in my figures.
© Alice MUSE | Webflow Template for female creatives
crafted by zerocodegirl
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